Risk Signal: Geo IP Check

Geo IP check provides an overall risk and reputation assessment of an IP address associated with an end user.

Supported Credentials

The IP address can be uploaded as Prepared Data. In this case you are expected to obtain the IP address prior to initiating the Jumio transaction. For example you can use to use Geo IP Verification as a standalone service by using workflow key 10118 and uploading the IP address as prepared data.

Alternatively, if you are using Geo IP Verification in a workflow that requires other credentials, and are acquiring those credentials through the Web Client or one of the SDKs, Jumio can obtain the IP address from the end-user device with no additional calls from your integration. For example you can use Geo IP Verification along with the standard IDIV service by using workflow key 10120. The end-user experience with the web client or SDK integration will be the same as the standard IDIV service, and no additional integration effort is required.








The IP address entered as a string. Either IPv4 or IPv6 format is accepted.

Example Prepared Data Body

    "ipAddress": ""


Response data is available for transactions that include the risk signal. For information on transaction data see Viewing or Retrieving Workflow Transactions.

Example Response

  "capabilities": {
    "geoIpVerification": [
        "id": "8a1d3dde-f1e5-4832-96c7-1389ad122ab1",
        "credentials": [
            "id": "1230b511-6e82-4c01-a7a3-4e3bcd3a37b1",
            "category": "DATA"
        "decision": {
          "type": "PASSED",
          "details": {
            "label": "LOW_RISK"
        "data": {
          "country": "USA",
          "state": "WA",
          "city": "Fort Lauderdale",
          "isp": "Google",
          "organization": "Google",
          "latitude": 26.1995,
          "longitude": -80.0984,
          "accuracyRadius": 1000,
          "anonymousVPN": true,
          "satelliteProvider": true

Decision Details Labels

Decision Type





No significant risk of fraudulent activity is associated with the IP address.



Significant risk of fraudulent activity is associated with the IP address. See the Data fields for additional information.



Moderate risk of fraudulent activity is associated with the IP address. See the Data fields for additional information.



Verify the provided data is correct and retry, or contact Support.


Key Type Description
country string Alpha-3 standard country code of IP address
state string 2 letter symbol code specifying state
city string Name of the city of the IP address
isp string Name of the Internet Service Provider
organization string Organization of the Internet Service Provider
accuracyRadius integer Accuracy in kilometers of IP address location from provided coordinates
latitude number (double) Latitude of the IP address
longitude number (double) Longitude of the IP address
torExitNode* boolean true when the IP address is a Tor Browser Exit Node
anonymous boolean whether the IP address is associated with an anonymizer such as a VPN or other proxy
proxyType string Returned if a proxy is used. Example: ANONYMOUS, RESIDENTIAL, PUBLIC
userType string Specifies the behavior observed with typical users. Example: BUSINESS, RESIDENTIAL, HOSTING, CAFE, CELLULAR
highBillingPostalCodeVelocity* boolean The IP address has been used to submit transactions with many different billing addresses in a short period of time.
highEmailVelocity* boolean The IP address has been used to submit transactions with many different email addresses in a short period of time.
highIssuerIdVelocity* boolean The IP address has been used to submit transactions with a high number of Issuer IDs (credit cards, prepaid cards etc.).
highRiskDevicesActivity* boolean The IP address has been used by a high risk device.
highRiskEmailsActivity* boolean A high risk email address was seen on this IP address in past network transactions.
highRiskNetworkActivity* boolean High risk actors are seen on this IP address.

* Only provided if the value is true, indicating potential fraud.